23 October 2014

31 Days: Advent Scripture Planners

Good morning, friends! 
Welcome to today's FREE printables I'm sharing for you to add to your Holiday Planner, if you'd like! We're spending the month preparing a Holiday Planner to help organize everything for the fall & winter holidays. We're officially halfway through the series, but if you're dropping in for the first time, check out my beginning post...

Below is today's FREE blank printable bundle where you can keep track of all your Advent and Christmastide/Epiphany Scripture studies! I'm personally very excited for today's printable because it's the first time our family will be doing a Scripture study through the Advent & Christmastide season! We'll also be doing the Jesse Tree activities through Advent, and I'll be doing a Christmas Carol study in December leading up to Christmas. SO exciting! Are you doing any studies this Advent/Epiphany?

I've included three versions of this planner so you can choose the one that best suits your needs! If you need another version, feel free to drop me a line and I'd be glad to send it over for ya! The first planner includes what I'm doing, so a column for Scripture, Jesse Tree, and Christmas Carol. The second version includes the Scripture column and the other two columns I've left blank so you can fill in other studies you may be taking part in. The third version is super simple, just a column for Scriptures and a column for Notes. Take your pick! I sure hope you find these useful :)

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